​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ABC Compressors at China Brew China Beverage


China Brew China Beverage (CBB) took plave from October 13 to 16, 2020 in Shanghai. In this review, PET planet asked ABC Compressors about our experiences at this year´s fair in terms of special circumstances due to the pandemic (l), about the important issues discussed (ll) and finally about the successes of the CBB and the mood in the industry (lll).

l) Despite the circumstances, it went quite well. It is true that we found less people, but even so the quality of the visits was high. There were real projects on the table, and we felt the reaction in the market.

ll) The exhibition was straightforward. The uncertainty and freezing of investment were among the main topics. At the same time there was optimism among the visitors.

lll) Being a local exhibition and considering the current situation in China comparing to other countries, we found the CBB 2020 succesfull for us. Real projects are coming and some of them have been already awarded, so we should say economy and consumption are growing again in China. Still, uncertainty is on people´s mind but at the same time there is eagerness to move forward.

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