​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ABC Compressors involved in Danish pioneer dynamic green ammonia Power-to-X project



ABC Compressors is currently manufacturing two synthesis gas compressors for a demonstration plant in Lemvig, Denmark, that will produce green ammonia based on renewable power and electrolysis of water, for a Danish partnership comprising, Topsoe, Skovgaard Energy, and Vestas.

The project will demonstrate how renewable power can be coupled directly to the ammonia plant while taking the fluctuations in power production into account, and at the same time making it a cost-effective way of producing green ammonia.

Green ammonia, produced from renewable energy, is an excellent fuel and fertilizer that can potentially replace significant volumes of fossil fuels and help accelerate the transition to a world powered by renewable energy. The dynamic approach entails that the clean power from wind turbines and solar panels will be connected directly to the ammonia plant to improve the cost-effectiveness.

The partners are collaborating closely to design the green ammonia plant’s dynamic technology to secure optimal production and adapt to the inherent fluctuations in power output from wind turbines and solar panels. This will be secured by integrating wind, solar, and electrolysis with an ammonia synthesis loop. In addition, the renewable energy generation will be connected directly to the national grid so surplus power can be sold to the grid.

Facts about the green ammonia plant

  • Location: Ramme near Lemvig, Western Jutland, Denmark.
  • Output: More than 5,000 ton green ammonia annually from renewable power. This production will prevent 8,200 tons of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere every year.
  • Power supplied from renewable sources: 50 MW new solar panels and 12 MW existing V80-2.0 MW Vestas wind turbines.

The potential of Green ammonia
Green ammonia has huge potential in the global effort to substitute fossil fuels with sustainable alternatives. It has been highlighted as a superior green fuel for shipping that currently accounts for around 2% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. It can also play a vital role as a more sustainable fertilizer. Today, ammonia is used as fertilizer globally and coming from a fossil based production, it accounts for around 1% of global CO2 emissions.



Business R&D support programme – AVOGADRO and ECOH2MOV

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