ABC stamps

Our inspections package and periodic tests of the pressure equipments to guarantee the technical and security conditions that are necessary for Its functioning.



ABC inspection for the pressure equipments

The inspections package and periodic tests of the pressure equipments to guarantee the technical and security conditions that are necessary for Its functioning.

Classification of the installation equipments in relation to the regulation of the pressure equipments

All the equipments should be classified attending to the categories that are indicated in the article 9 of the RD 769/1999 (BOE 31-5-1999) which transposes the directive 2014/68/UE of pressure equipments.

The pressure equipments that works with pressure air (non-dangerous gas) are identified with the number 2. The Volume (V) is multiplied in liters of the equipment, by the maximum pressure (Ps) in bar, in which the equipment could work.

From this calculation, the following categories are obtained:

  • Out of register or control: equipments of Ps x V smaller than 50.
  • Category I: equipments of Ps x V bigger than 50 and smaller than 200
  • Category II: equipments of Ps x V bigger than 200 and smaller than 1000
  • Category II: equipments of Ps x V bigger than 200 and smaller than 1000
  • Category IV: equipments of Ps x V bigger than 3000

Periodic inspections of the pressure equipments

All the pressure equipments or similar to the I and IV categories should be submitted to inspections and periodic tests that guarantees a double maintenance:

  • Technical conditions.
  • Security conditions.

Agents that realizes the periodic inspections

The following agents are the unique ones that are allowed to realize inspection operations:

  • Installer companies EIP – 1 or 2.
  • Authorized Control organisms (O.C.A).
  • The manufacturers.
  • The users.
  • The manufacturers and users accredit the resources as installer company.

Test to perform

The inspections for the pressure equipments are at three levels:

Level A: Inspection in service. Consists in a:

  • Inspection of the documentation of the equipments.
  • Visual inspection of all the parts that are subdued to pressure.
  • Verification of the security accessories (security valves).

Level B: Inspection in service. Consists in a:

  • Level A inspection.
  • Thickness checks.
  • Security elements test.

Level C: Inspection in service Consists in a:

  • Level B inspection.
  • Hydrostatic test.